30 minute valuation

Do you want to move but have no idea what your current home is worth? Request a 30-minute appointment without any obligation so you can make the right choices!

Fill in the information below. We will be happy to contact you.

Why do you need a valuation?

You may need a valuation for several reasons, for example:

  • You are considering to sell your house and are curious about the value
  • You are curious about your financial options

What can you expect from a 30- minute valuation? 

In order to draw up a realistic valuation, the real estate agent will visit the property. Here the real estate agent calculates the current value based on the location, the living space and the condition of the house. The broker then presents this valuation to you and based on this you can take any follow-up steps.

Do you choose to sell your home based on the valuation? Then we are of course happy to assist you in this process!

Do you want to schedule a meeting or have questions about a 30-minute valuation?

+31 (0)43 303 06 98

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